Word Processor - What is a word processor?
Definition of WORD PROCESSOR:
Any electronic device or computer software that is used to process words. Word processors include features to help with the composition, editing, and formatting of written material, such as spelling and grammar checks, dictionary and thesaurus tools, automatic text correction, web integration, visual formatting such as font size and colour, styling, document templates, mail merge functions, referencing tools, and annotation and comment functions.
Examples of word processors include Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, LibreOffice, Pages (iWork), and web-based processors such as Google Docs.
They are used primarily for tasks that revolve around written text, although some do have additional facilities to allow users to work with images, graphs and diagrams, and basic page layout functions. Common uses include the creation of letters, labels, financial and legal documents, informative documents, and the composition of all kinds of literature.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the term word processor:
Label Planet (2020) What is a word processor? | Word Processor Definition. Available at: https://www.labelplanet.co.uk/glossary/word-processor/ (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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