Score - What does score mean?
Definition of SCORE:
A partial cut made in a material to facilitate the bending, creasing, folding, or tearing of that material; the cut only goes partway through the material. Scores can be made on press with cutting tools (such as a die or blade) or may be done by hand with a manual cutting tool (such as a knife or blade).
In labelling, the backing sheet may be scored to make it easier to remove; the backing sheet can be broken into separate pieces along the scored line, which can be removed one at a time. This is known as a backscore or compression score and is usually done down the centre of a backing sheet (although it may also be done at one edge to prevent visible damage being done to delicate face materials).

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the word score:
Label Planet (2014) What does score mean? | Score Definition. Available at: (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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