Waterproof - What does waterproof mean?
Definition of WATERPROOF:
A property of materials defined as being resistant to the effects of exposure to water; in particular, the resistance to the penetration of water into a material.
In labelling, any layer of a construction may be made of materials that are waterproof in themselves or that have been treated to improve their water resistance (this is usually achieved by applying protective coatings). Waterproof materials are used in labels that are intended for applications that involve exposure to water (and other liquids); each element of the label must be waterproof in order to prevent the print being destroyed, the face material being ruined, or the adhesive being affected (and possibly failing) during this exposure. In order to produce waterproof print, toner should be used rather than ink; inks are usually liquid or water-based and will run or smudge when they come into contact with water.
At Label Planet, we sell a range of Waterproof Labels.

Here is the Harvard-style citation to use if you would like to reference this definition of the word waterproof:
Label Planet (2020) What does waterproof mean? | Waterproof Definition. Available at: https://www.labelplanet.co.uk/glossary/waterproof/ (Accessed: January 1, 2024).
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